The World’s
Most Advanced
Biomechanics Lab

Study all aspects of
balance and locomotion

Users Say

  • The CAREN enables our lab to perform both fundamental and applied research on every aspect of human movement performance. It also puts us in an advanced position for collaborations and fundraising. ”

    Prof. dr. ir. Philip Rowe, Professor Of Rehabilitation Science, University of Strathclyde

  • The CAREN system puts us on the leading edge by enabling us to safely challenge patients through different courses in an immersive, realistic virtual environment. ”

    Dr. Jay Alberts, Vice Chair for Health Technology Enablement, Cleveland Clinic Neurological Institute

  • We carried out extensive research on the benefits to patients in using this system and the evidence speaks for itself. It helps re-educate the nerves and muscles, in a controlled environment. The system has huge potential in treating patients and provides vast amounts of clinical data to enable the most effective treatment plan to be put in place. We’re hugely excited to be able to bring this to people across the UK ”

    Wendy Edge, CEO, BASIC (Brain And Spinal Injury Centre) Salford