Demystifying human performance from elite athletes to frail older people

This presentation will discuss the use of novel computational and experimental tools in biomechanics to address some of the major neuro-musculoskeletal health issues that our world faces now.

Entrenamiento de equilibrio y marcha basado en realidad virtual y realidad aumentada

Análisis clínico de la marcha: cinta de marcha vs suelo

En esta revision técnica le ofrecemos una visión de la literatura que compara el análisis de marcha sobre cinta con el análisis sobre el suelo.

Overground versus self-paced treadmill walking in a virtual environment in children with cerebral palsy

How normal is normal: Consequences of stride to stride variability, treadmillwalking and age when using normative paediatric gait data

Shoe cushioning, body mass and running biomechanics as risk factors for running injury: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Preliminary effectiveness of a sequential exercise intervention on gait function in ambulant patients with multiple sclerosis – a pilot study

Comparison of walking overground and in a Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environmentn (CAREN) in individuals with and without transtibial amputation

The effects of electromyography-assisted modelling in estimating musculotendon forces during gait in children with cerebral palsy