White Paper
Virtual and Augmented Reality Based Balance and Gait Training
This white paper provides a summary of the evidence for using virtual and augmented reality-based balance and gait training in different populations.
This white paper provides a summary of the evidence for using virtual and augmented reality-based balance and gait training in different populations.
Co-activation is not altered in the contra-lateral limb of individuals with moderate knee osteoarthritis compared to healthy controls
Dual-belt treadmill familiarization: Implications for knee function in moderate knee osteoarthritis compared to asymptomatic controls
Shoe cushioning, body mass and running biomechanics as risk factors for running injury: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Handrail Holding During Treadmill Walking Reduces Locomotor Learning in Able-Bodied Persons
Bilateral temporal control determines mediolateral margins of stability in symmetric and asymmetric human walking
Lateral to medial hamstring activation ratio: Individuals with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis compared to asymptomatic controls during gait
Differences in Hip Joint Biomechanics and Muscle Activation in Individuals With Femoroacetabular Impingement Compared With Healthy, Asymptomatic Individuals: Is Level-Ground Gait Analysis Enough?
Knee moment outcomes using inverse dynamics and the cross product functionin moderate knee osteoarthritis gait: A comparison study