Entrenamiento de equilibrio y marcha basado en realidad virtual y realidad aumentada

Análisis clínico de la marcha: cinta de marcha vs suelo

En esta revision técnica le ofrecemos una visión de la literatura que compara el análisis de marcha sobre cinta con el análisis sobre el suelo.

Virtual and augmented reality based balance and gait training

This white paper provides a summary of the evidence for using virtual and augmented reality based balance and gait training in different populations.

Overground versus self-paced treadmill walking in a virtual environment in children with cerebral palsy

Effectiveness of interactive computer play on balance and postural control for children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review

Immersive Virtual Reality to Improve Walking Abilities in Cerebral Palsy: A Pilot Study

The effects of electromyography-assisted modelling in estimating musculotendon forces during gait in children with cerebral palsy

Self-paced versus fixed speed walking and the effect of virtual reality in children with cerebral palsy